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Surface Regularised Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs)

  • Surface light field inspired regularisation to improve geometric fidelity of NeRF-based representations
  • We propose a second sampling of the representation to regularise local appearance and geometry at surfaces in the scene
  • Applicable to future NeRF based models leveraging reflection parameterisation

Segment Anything in Light Fields for Real-Time Applications via Constrained Prompting

  • An effective light field segmentation method
  • Combines epipolar constraints with the rich semantics learned by the pretrained SAM 2 foundation model for cross-view mask matching
  • Produces results of the same quality as the Segment Anything 2 (SAM 2) video tracking baseline, while being 7 times faster
  • Can be inferenced in real-time for autonomous driving problems such as object pose tracking

LBurst Learned Burst Feature Finder

  • A learned feature detector and descriptor for bursts of images
  • Noise-tolerant features outperform state of the art in low light
  • Enables 3D reconstruction from drone imagery in millilux conditions

TaCOS: Task-Specific Camera Optimization with Simulation

  • An end-to-end camera design method that co-designs cameras with perception tasks
  • We combine derivative-free and gradient-based optimizers and support continuous, discrete, and categorical parameters
  • A camera simulation including virtual environments and a physics-based noise model
  • Key step in simplifying the process of designing cameras for robots

Adapting CNNs for Fisheye Cameras without Retraining

  • RectConv adapts existing pretrained CNNs to work with fisheye images
  • Requires no additional data or training
  • Operates directly on the native fisheye image as captured from the camera
  • Works with multiple network architectures and tasks

Inherently Privacy-Preserving Robotic Vision

  • Robotic vision without capturing images or allowing image reconstruction
  • We propose guidelines and demonstrate localisation in simulation
  • Call to action for advancing inherently private vision systems
  • Try the reconstruction challenge!

BuFF: Burst Feature Finder for Light-Constrained 3D Reconstruction

  • We introduce burst feature finder, a 2D + time feature detector and descriptor for 3D reconstruction
  • Finding features with well defined scale and apparent motion within a burst of frames
  • Approximate apparent feature motion under typical robotic platform dynamics, enabling critical refinements on hand-held burst imaging
  • More accurate camera pose estimates, matches and 3D points in low-SNR scenes

NOCaL: Calibration-Free Odometry

  • Automatically interpreting new cameras by jointly learning novel view sythesis, odometry, and a camera model
  • A hypernetwork allows training with a wealth of existing cameras and datasets
  • A semi-supervised light field network adapts to newly introduced cameras
  • This work is a key step to automated integration of emerging camera technologies

Light-Constrained Structure-from-Motion

  • We adapt burst imaging for 3D reconstruction in low light
  • Combining burst locally and feature-based methods over broad motions benefits from the strengths of each
  • Allows 3D reconstructions where conventional imaging fails
  • More accurate camera trajectory estimates, 3D reconstructions, and lower overall computational burden

Multi-modal learning: semantically accurate super-resolution with GANs

  • Jointly learning to super-resolve and label improves performance at both tasks
  • Adversarial training enforces perceptual realism
  • A feature loss forces semantic accuracy
  • Demonstration on aerial imagery for remote sensing

Hyperbolic View Dependency for All-in-Focus Time of Flight Fields

  • We describe the hyperbolic view dependency in Time of Flight Fields
  • Our all-in-focus filter improves 3D fidelity and robustness to noise and saturation
  • We release a dataset of thirteen 15 x 15 time of flight field images

Light Stage Object Classifier

  • Fast classification of visually similar objects using multiplexed illumination
  • Using light stage capture and rendering to drive optimization of multiplexing codes
  • Outperforms naive and conventional multiplexing patterns in accuracy and speed

Learning to See with Sparse Light Field Video Cameras

  • Unsupervised learning of odometry and depth from sparse 4D light fields
  • Encoding sparse LFs for consumption by 2D CNNs for odometry and shape estimation
  • Toward unsupervised interpretation of general LF cameras and new imaging devices

Vision around Refractive Objects

  • A new kind of feature that exists in the patterns of light refracted through objects
  • Allows 3D reconstructions where SIFT / LiFF fail
  • More accurate camera trajectory estimates, 3D reconstructions in complex refractive scenes

LiFF Light Field Features Toolbox

  • SIFT-like features for light fields
  • Robust to occlusions, noise, and high-order light transport effects
  • Each feature has a well-defined depth / light field slope

Wide-FOV Monocentric LF Camera

  • 138° 72 Mpix LF panoramas through a single, spherical lens
  • Spherical parameterization compatible with planar light fields
  • World's first single-lens wide-FOV LF camera

Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Moving Light Field Cameras

  • Generalization of Richardson-Lucy deblurring to moving light field cameras
  • 6-DOF camera motion in arbitrary 3D scenes
  • Deblurring of nonuniform apparent motion without depth estimation
  • Novel parallax-preserving light field regularization

Image-based visual servoing with light field cameras

  • Exploits depth information in the light field without explicit depth estimation
  • Derivation of light field image Jacobians
  • Demonstration on robotic arm using a MirrorCam light field camera
  • Outperforms monocular and stereo methods for narrow-FOV and occluded scenes
  • D. Tsai, D. G. Dansereau, T. Peynot, and P. Corke, “Image-based visual servoing with light field cameras,” IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (RA-L), vol. 2, no. 2, Apr. 2017. Available here.

Spinning Omnidirectional Stereo Camera


  • A hopping lunar explorer for telemetry and mapping
  • Project Page at
  • J. Leitner, W. Chamberlain, D. G. Dansereau, M. Dunbabin, M. Eich, T. Peynot, J. Roberts, R. Russell, and N. Sünderhauf, “LunaRoo: Designing a hopping lunar science payload,” in IEEE Aerospace Conference, 2016. Available here.
  • T. Hojnik, R. Lee, D. G. Dansereau, and J. Leitner, “Designing a robotic hopping cube for lunar exploration,” in Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA), 2016. Available here.

Mirrored light field video camera adapter

  • 3D printed base + laser-cut acrylic mirrors
  • Creates a virtual array of cameras that measures a light field
  • Optimization scheme finds best mirror array for a specific application
  • D. Tsai, D. G. Dansereau, S. Martin, and P. Corke, “Mirrored light field video camera adapter,” Queensland University of Technology, Dec. 2016. Available here.

Interactive Computational Imaging for Deformable Object Analysis

  • Robot interaction as part of the imaging process
  • Visual material analysis: discriminating objects based on how they behave
  • Motion magnification for stiff and fragile objects

Change Detection from Mobile Light Field Cameras

  • Closed-form change detection from moving cameras
  • Model-free handling of nonuniform apparent motion from 3D scenes
  • Handles failure modes from competing single-camera methods
  • Approach generalizes to simplifying other moving-camera problems

Light Field Depth-Velocity Filtering

  • A 5D light field + time filter that selects for depth and velocity
  • C. U. S. Edussooriya, D. G. Dansereau, L. T. Bruton, and P. Agathoklis, “Five-dimensional (5-D) depth-velocity filtering for enhancing moving objects in light field videos,” IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing (TSP), vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 2151–2163, April 2015. Available here.

Volumetric Focus

  • A linear filter that focuses on a volume instead of a plane
  • Enhanced imaging in low light and through murky water and particulate
  • Derivation of the hypercone / hyperfan as the fundamental shape of the light field in the frequency domain

Exploiting parallax in panoramic capture to construct light fields

  • We show that parallax, usually considered a nuisance, can be exploited to build light fields
  • We turn an Ocular Robotics camera pointing system into an adaptive light field camera
  • We demonstrate light field capture, refocusing and low-light image enhancement
  • Best paper award, ACRA 2014
  • D. G. Dansereau, D. Wood, S. Montabone, and S. B. Williams, “Exploiting parallax in panoramic capture to construct light fields,” in Australasian Conference on Robotics and Automation (ACRA), 2014. Available here.

Plenoptic flow for closed-form visual odometry

  • Generalization of 2D Lucas–Kanade optical flow to 4D light fields
  • Links camera motion and apparent motion via first-order light field derivatives
  • Solves for 6-degree-of-freedom camera motion in 3D scenes, without explicit depth models
  • D. G. Dansereau, I. Mahon, O. Pizarro, and S. B. Williams, “Plenoptic flow: Closed-form visual odometry for light field cameras,” in Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2011, pp. 4455–4462. Available here.
  • see also Ch.5 of D. G. Dansereau, “Plenoptic signal processing for robust vision in field robotics,” PhD thesis, Australian Centre for Field Robotics, School of Aerospace, Mechanical; Mechatronic Engineering, The University of Sydney, 2014. Available here.

Gradient-based depth estimation from light fields

  • Depth from local gradients
  • Simple ratio of differences, easily parallelized
  • D. G. Dansereau and L. T. Bruton, “Gradient-based depth estimation from 4D light fields,” in Intl. Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2004, vol. 3, pp. 549–552. Available here.