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Projects: Robust Vision

Surface Regularised Neural Radiance Fields (NeRFs)

  • Surface light field inspired regularisation to improve geometric fidelity of NeRF-based representations
  • We propose a second sampling of the representation to regularise local appearance and geometry at surfaces in the scene
  • Applicable to future NeRF based models leveraging reflection parameterisation

LBurst Learned Burst Feature Finder

  • A learned feature detector and descriptor for bursts of images
  • Noise-tolerant features outperform state of the art in low light
  • Enables 3D reconstruction from drone imagery in millilux conditions

Hyperbolic View Dependency for All-in-Focus Time of Flight Fields

  • We describe the hyperbolic view dependency in Time of Flight Fields
  • Our all-in-focus filter improves 3D fidelity and robustness to noise and saturation
  • We release a dataset of thirteen 15 x 15 time of flight field images

BuFF: Burst Feature Finder for Light-Constrained 3D Reconstruction

  • We introduce burst feature finder, a 2D + time feature detector and descriptor for 3D reconstruction
  • Finding features with well defined scale and apparent motion within a burst of frames
  • Approximate apparent feature motion under typical robotic platform dynamics, enabling critical refinements on hand-held burst imaging
  • More accurate camera pose estimates, matches and 3D points in low-SNR scenes

Light-Constrained Structure-from-Motion

  • We adapt burst imaging for 3D reconstruction in low light
  • Combining burst locally and feature-based methods over broad motions benefits from the strengths of each
  • Allows 3D reconstructions where conventional imaging fails
  • More accurate camera trajectory estimates, 3D reconstructions, and lower overall computational burden

Vision around Refractive Objects

  • A new kind of feature that exists in the patterns of light refracted through objects
  • Allows 3D reconstructions where SIFT / LiFF fail
  • More accurate camera trajectory estimates, 3D reconstructions in complex refractive scenes

Richardson-Lucy Deblurring for Moving Light Field Cameras

  • Generalization of Richardson-Lucy deblurring to moving light field cameras
  • 6-DOF camera motion in arbitrary 3D scenes
  • Deblurring of nonuniform apparent motion without depth estimation
  • Novel parallax-preserving light field regularization

Volumetric Focus

  • A linear filter that focuses on a volume instead of a plane
  • Enhanced imaging in low light and through murky water and particulate
  • Derivation of the hypercone / hyperfan as the fundamental shape of the light field in the frequency domain