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Robotic Imaging Lab Group Photo 2022

Welcome to the Robotic Imaging Lab at the University of Sydney, lead by Dr Don Dansereau. Our work explores how new imaging technologies can help robots see and do.

Follow Don on Twitter here: @dgdvision, and the ACFR / SIRIS here: @SIRISRobotics.

Check out our new video introducing some of the team:


Oct 14, 2024

Oct 03, 2024
We were featured in a set of ABC news articles exploring aspects of robot vacuum security: Radio piece "Robot vacuums spying on Australians", article "We hacked a robot vacuum...", and article "...robot vacuums collect photos and audio to train AI".

Sept 02, 2024
Welcome to our new team member, James Gray. James is a postdoctoral researcher working with ARIAM Hub member Trendspek on robotic vision for high-fidelity drone-based 3D reconstruction. Watch this space for more as his work develops!

Jul 01, 2024
A big welcome to our two latest team members, Jason Lai and Connor Langford, starting their PhDs in change detection and exoplanet detection. Watch this space for more as their work develops!

Jun 03, 2024
Closing 10th Jun Sydney time: 3-year Postdoctoral Research Associate in 3D reconstruction of reflective objects. Details at the University Job Site here.

May 16, 2024
ICRA 2024 in Yokohama was a blast, great to see such strong attendance from Australian robotics colleagues. If you missed us, here are the links to BuFF Burst Feature Finder (RA-L/ICRA), Adaptive Keyframe Selection for Online Iterative NeRF Construction (RoboNerF workshop), and Towards Event-Based Satellite Docking: A Photometrically Accurate Low-Earth Orbit Hardware Simulation (HERMES workshop).

Apr 24, 2024

Apr 01, 2024

March 04, 2024
Check out the latest collaboration between Adam Taras and myself from USyd and Niko Suenderhauf and Peter Corke from QUT: "Inherently privacy-preserving vision for trustworthy autonomous systems: Needs and solutions", accepted to the Journal of Responsible Technology. We argue for a class of cameras that are more like optical-analogue computers: they protect your privacy by never measuring images. Preprint, dataset, and a reconstruction challenge are at the project page here.

Feb 15, 2024

Feb 05, 2024
Welcome to our latest team member, Jesse Mehami who has started his Postdoctoral role in the SmartSat CRC ISAM project. Jesse joins us from the Robotics Institute at UTS where he worked with noval and multi-camera systems.

Dec 13, 2023
A great way to close off 2023 was by attending SIGGRAPH Asia. Always a stimulating time!

Dec 13, 2023
We're recruiting a 3-year Postdoctoral Research Associate in robotic vision for high-fidelity drone-based 3D reconstruction. Position closes Jan 8th, 2024 Sydney Time. Details at the University Job Site here. This is one of multiple postdoctoral and PhD roles that are part of the ARIAM Research Hub. All postings will be available at the ARIAM Hub website.

Oct 26, 2023

Oct 11, 2023
A warm welcome to our two latest team members, Bina Rajan who is starting her PhD, and Alexandre Cardaillac who has started a postdoctoral appointment. Both are working in novel imaging systems as part of the ARIAM Research Hub.

Sep 15, 2023

Sep 05, 2023

Aug 08, 2023

Jul 21, 2023

May 30, 2023
Congrats Adam Taras and our collaborators Peter Corke and Niko Suenderhauf from QCR on winning the ICRA23 MACTAS workship best poster award. Poster here, paper here.

May 25, 2023
Congrats to Ahalya Ravendran for successfully defending her thesis on Robotic Burst Imaging!

Apr 21, 2023
We're recruiting a 3-year Postdoctoral Research Associate in Underwater Computational Imaging, closes 16 May, 2023 Sydney Time. Details at the University Job Site here. This is one of multiple postdoctoral and PhD roles opening soon as part of the ARIAM Research Hub. All postings will be available at the ARIAM Hub website.

Feb 24, 2023
Welcome to our latest team member, Dr Danish Khan, who will be working in novel imaging systems with ARIA, Augmented Reality in Audio for the vision impaired.

Jan 23, 2023

Jan 19, 2023
Congrats to Ryan Griffiths and Jack Naylor whose work has been accepted to ICRA 2023. Toward interpreting novel imaging devices, we jointly learn view synthesis, odometry, and camera model. Preprint, code and data are here.

Dec 09, 2022
Two fully funded PhDs in underwater robotic imaging with the ARIAM research hub, details here. The two roles advertised here are part of a larger opportunity that will hire and bring together tens of PhD students and multiple Postdocs. For more on ARIAM, our partners, and opportunities to join the hub please watch this site and the ARIAM Research Hub website.

Dec 2, 2022
See you at ACRA 2022 in Brisbane next week! Adam Taras will be presenting our work on time of flight fields. What happens when you make a light field camera out of time of flight cameras? We show you can get significant gains in accuracy and robustness to specular reflection. Paper, source, and dataset are available here.

Nov 11, 2022

Oct 8, 2022
Congrats Jack Naylor on being awarded joint Best Speaker at University of Sydney's first Engineering HDR Conference. Congrats also to our school's fantastic team of PhD students for organising this Faculty-wide event by HDRs for HDRs.

Oct 1, 2022
Welcome to our two latest team members, Nikolai Goncharov and Oliver Yan are both starting their PhDs with us this month.

Sept 19, 2022
Fully funded PhD in position in underwater robotic imaging, details here.

Sept 19, 2022
Multiple PhD positions opening soon as part of the ARIAM research hub, lodge your expression of interest now.

Jul 13, 2022
Jobs: PhD and Postdoctoral roles in Augmented Reality for the Visually Impaired. Project ARIA, Augmented Reality in Audio, seeks to endow the visually impaired with a richer sense of their surroundings using a wearable augmented reality device. Applications due 13 Aug 2022, links to posting here.

Jul 8, 2022
Congrats to Adam Taras on winning the top undergrad poster at the IEEE UNITE NSW event!

Jun 14, 2022
Congrats to Jack Naylor on receiving an SPIE Optics and Photonics Education Scholarship!

May 31, 2022

May 24, 2022
Jobs: Fully Funded PhD Position in light field imaging. The project aims to develop new visual sensing approaches for autonomous and assisted driving. Applications close Jun 19, 2022, details here.

May 24, 2022

May 19, 2022
Accepted to Computer Vision and Image Understanding (CVIU): Semantically Accurate Super-Resolution with GANs. We show that multi-modal learning of super-resolution and semantic labelling improves performance at both tasks, with demonstration on aerial imagery for remote sensing. Preprint here.

May 11, 2022

Apr 04, 2022

Apr 01, 2022

Dec 23, 2021
Jobs: Fully Funded PhD Position in Underwater Robotic Imaging. The project aims to develop new visual sensing approaches for nimble underwater drones. Applications due Jan 23, 2022, details here.

Dec 22, 2021

Dec 17, 2021
Accepted to RA-L: Avie's paper on burst imaging for low-light 3D reconstruction. Preprint, dataset and code are at the project page here.

Sept 3, 2021

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